Fit for work on site at Tomkins

Tradies got their blood pumping on site this morning as part of Tomkins Commercial & Industrial Builders’ Safety Month Initiative which this month partnered up with ‘Tradies National Health Month’.

On-site at Frasers Property’s Newport Hamilton Reach Apartments, the team were treated to a breakfast BBQ before an exercise demonstration by registered physiotherapist Damaris Simons, where they all gladly participated in some routine exercises that could be the difference between being injured or being fit and healthy. Ms Simons ran through some typical injuries that occur from those working in trades and some prevention techniques since 65% of all injuries in construction workers are from minor body stresses and slips and trips (according to Safe Work Australia).

Tomkins Director Mike Tomkins said safety was a huge part of the Tomkins culture and he was glad to see everyone on site eagerly listening and participating.

“Our ‘Think Safe Be Safe’ approach covers all aspects of safety and reflects Tomkins’ commitment to be at the forefront of the industry,” said Mr Tomkins.

“Safety is a top priority for Tomkins, we want to make sure our workers get back to their families and friends, in the same way, they came to us”. Each month Tomkins promotes a new safety focus so sites can be better educated about the importance of staying safe on-site, with each month culminating in a ‘Think Safe Be Safe’ peer-nominated winner for working to achieve best practices for the month’s safety focus. Tomkins’ September safety focus will be plant and equipment. Watch this space!