Midwater Apartments – Top-Down Construction Animation

Tomkins Commercial’s ever-increasing expertise in the delivery of high-end developments continues with the Midwater Apartments Project at Main Beach. Flanked by two bodies of water (Pacific Ocean to the East, and the Nerang River to the West), this challenging site has seen Team Tomkins utilise a top-down construction method.

A key part of Tomkins’ successful project delivery record is our meticulous safety, pre-planning and design processes. Due to the complex methodology of this project, Tomkins developed this 4D animation for our subcontractors, project teams and local authorities to help illustrate how the top-down methodology would be successful in this complex build.

Top-down construction involves the substructure and basement floors being excavated and constructed at the same time as the superstructure floors. The adoption of this top-down approach will enable the project to be delivered in a safe, timely and cost-effective manner.