MATE presents to the Goodman Place Project Team

Recently Tomkins Commercial welcomed Hayden Whitworth from the MATE Bystander Program to chat with our Goodman Place Project Team. The MATE (Motivating Action Through Empowerment) Bystander Program raises awareness around the ways in which abusive behaviour is embedded in our culture, as well as the more subtle issues that support a potentially harmful work environment.

Everyone in attendance came away better equipped to challenge the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that normalise violence against women and men, inequality, racism, discrimination and bullying. MATE wants you to have the ability to recognise when a problematic situation is taking place and feel empowered to effectively interrupt the behaviour, providing it is safe for you to do so!

Both Tomkins and MATE recognise that in order to facilitate change, we need to open a dialogue about the dynamics and context of all forms of violence. Thanks for sharing your valuable message with Team Tomkins Hayden!

Tomkins continues to deliver policies and programs to staff and contractors that promote health and wellbeing onsite – including a focus on healthy eating and active living, understanding depression and preventing violence and injury. Click for more information on the training programs delivered by MATE.